Frequently Asked Questions:
- Will I need to purchase any additional books or materials?
No. All materials are included; however, your child should have a graphing calculator. - How many students are in a class?
Our class size minimum is 8; maximum class size of 16. - How do I choose a section?
You will receive a registration code. On the 25th of the month prior to the following session, you will receive an email that will detail the dates and times for each section. You will receive the link to register. Sign up for the desired section. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis. So, if you know that you want a particular section, please register as soon as you can. - What will the workload be like?
Light: we want your student to gain exposure to the test in a low-stress environment. We will supply no more than ten brief problem sets that your child should complete. Each set should not take more than ten minutes. - My child is currently in Geometry. Is this Math program appropriate?
Yes! We are going to cover strategies for the exam and will go over a few concepts that are not taught in most Geometry or Algebra 2 classes. If your child is in a two-year Algebra 1 program, the math component of this course may be challenging. - My child is in 9th Can s/he take this course?
We strongly suggest that students take this course in 10th grade, not before. Therefore, we are only allowing current sophomores to take this course. - Where will your course dates and locations take place?
- We will have two locations:
- Saturdays in Mount Kisco (Lutheran Church of the Resurrection)
- Sundays in Katonah (The Cottage at 51 Bedford Road)
- We anticipate class time to take place from 10 AM – 12:45 PM
- Our tentative dates and times will be:
- November 9 and 10 (signup on or about October 25)
- December 14 and 15 (signup on or about November 25)
- January 11 and 12 (signup on or about December 20)
- February 8 and 9 (signup on or about January 25)
- March 7 and 8 (signup on or about February 25)
- April 11 and 12 (signup on or about March 25)
- Testing dates will be May 16 and 30 (signup on or about April 25)
- We will have two locations:
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