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Living Environment Regents

The Living Environment Regents is the New York State Regents examination that culminates after one year of the study of secondary-level high school Biology.

The format of the exam tends to be structured as follows:

  • Part A: 30 multiple choice (general biology content)
  • Part B-1: 13 multiple choice (general lab skills & general biology content)
  • Part B-2: 12 short answer (general lab skills & general biology content)
  • Part C: 15 short answer (general biology content applied to real world)
  • Part D: 15 multiple choice & short answer (4 required labs)

Total points available (raw score): 85 points

Total points available (raw score): 85 points: This exam is known for having a negative curve at the mastery grades (85 – 89). This means that more than for every one point of raw score missed, more than one point of scaled score is lost.

Recent (January 2016) raw-to-scaled score conversions:

  • 74 – 85 points: 90 – 100
  • 67 – 73 points: 85 – 89
  • 59 – 66 points: 80 – 84
  • 46 – 58 points: 70 – 79
  • 40 – 45 points: 65 – 69
  • Below 40 points: failing

Required Units for the Living Environment Regents

Unit 1: Science and the Living Environment:

  • Scientific method
  • Controlled experiments
  • Graphing
  • Characteristics of good experimentation

Unit 2: Characteristics of Living Things

  • Chemistry (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, acids and bases)
  • Homeostasis, metabolism, and life processes (including photosynthesis and respiration)
  • Cells

Unit 3: Homeostasis and the Human Body

  • Organization
  • Human body systems
  • Diseases and disorders

Unit 4: Reproduction

  • Mitosis and meiosis
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction
  • Human reproduction and development

Unit 5: Genetics

  • Genetic code and protein synthesis
  • Genetic technology

Unit 6: Evolution

  • Natural selection
  • Speciation
  • Gradualism vs Punctuated Equilibrium
  • Evidence for evolution
  • Classification

Unit 7: Ecology

  • Interactions between organisms
  • Food chains and food webs
  • Biodiversity
  • Human impact on the environment

Unit 8: State Required Labs

  • Making Connections (Clothespin Lab)
  • Relationships and Biodiversity (Botana curus lab)
  • Beaks of Finches
  • Diffusion Through a Membrane