Will I need to purchase any additional books or materials?
No: our classes include all materials. However, your child should have a graphing calculator at his/her disposal.
How many students are in a class?
Our class size minimum is 8, and we will not exceed 14 in any section.
Can my child make up a missed session?
Yes: your child can attend another session; however, please notify us as soon as possible.
My child gets testing accommodations. Will you honor those?
Yes: we will make every effort possible to simulate the same conditions as the ones your child will have on test day.
Do you sort students by academic ability?
If we have sufficient enrollment for two classes for a given section, we will sort by academic ability.
If my child cannot make the practice exam, how can s/he make it up?
While we prefer that every student (other than the August students) take the exam on September 23, we will have a make-up day one evening during the week of September 25.
If I have a small group, can you create a program?
Yes: please contact us at 914-232-3743 for pricing information.
My child is in 10th grade. Can s/he take this course?
We strongly suggest that students take the PSAT in the fall of junior year, not before. Therefore, we are giving current juniors first priority in enrolling. If there is additional space, we may be able to enroll your child.