(914) 232-3743

FAQs – PSAT 2019

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PSAT 2019

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Will I need to purchase any additional books or materials?
    • No: all materials are included; however, your child should have a graphing calculator.
  • How many students are in a class?
    • Our class size minimum is 8; maximum class size of 14.
  • Can my child make up a missed session?
    • Yes: your child can attend another session; however, please notify us as soon as possible.
  • My child gets testing accommodations. Will you honor those?
    • Yes: we will make every effort possible to simulate the same conditions as the ones your child will have on test day.
  • If my child cannot make the practice exam, how can s/he make it up?
    • While we prefer that every student take the exam on September 28, we will make every effort to ensure that all students take the exam before the last teaching session.
  • If I have a small group, can you create a program?
    • Yes: please contact us at 914-232-3743 for pricing information.
  • My child is in 10th grade. Can s/he take this course?
    • We strongly suggest that students take this course in the fall of junior year, not before. Therefore, we are only allowing current juniors to take this course.


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